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Our Year 4 classes are:

  • Gormley Class - Miss Squires
  • Kahlo Class - Miss Malm

A learning overview will be shared following the full reopening of school.

Our autumn term 1 topic is 'The Digestive System'.  To view the knowledge organiser for this half term click here.

Our autumn term 2 topic is 'Tombs and Treasures - Ancient Egyptians'.  To view the knowledge organiser for half this term click here

Our spring term 1 topic is 'Turn it Up - Sound and Electricity'.  To view the knowledge organiser for this half term click here, page 2: click here

Our spring term 2 topic is 'Natural Disasters'.  To view the knowledge organiser for this half term click here. 

Our summer term 1 topic is 'The Romans'.  To view the knowledge organiser for this half term click here. 




Welcome to Year 6. Our classes and class teachers are:

  • Banksy Class: Mrs Kathryn Handy
  • O'Keeffe Class: Miss Holly Uren-Stephenson

Topics of learning are:


  • Animals including Humans
  • UK: Depth Study - Economic Activity
  • World War I
  • Georgia O'Keeffe


  • Evolution/Living Things
  • Climate Change & Sustainability
  • Banksy


  • Crime & Punishment
  • Light & Electricity
  • DT: Electrics

Our Year 5 classes and class teachers are:

  • Brunel Class: Mr Steven McGregor
  • Hokusai Class: Miss Tina Malm  

Topics of learning are:


  • Materials
  • Biomes & Ecosystems
  • Anglo-Saxons
  • DT: Bayeux Tapestry


  • Earth, Space & Forces
  • DT: Brunel
  • Rivers
  • Hokusai


  • Benin
  • Animals including Humans & Living Things
  • UK vs West Africa 

Our Year 4 classes and class teachers are:

  • Wren Class: Miss Niamh Clark 
  • Kahlo Class: Mr David McGonigle

Topics of learning are:


  • Animals including Humans and Living Things
  • Coastal Erosion
  • Ancient Greeks
  • Christopher Wren


  • Sound and Electricity
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Natural Disasters
  • DT: Earthquakes


  • Ancient Romans
  • States of Matter
  • UK vs Italy

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