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Attendance at Belmont

Attendance is a key focus for the Government following the recovery post-pandemic.  Belmont is compared with all schools and nationally, and is expected to demonstrate a commitment to ensuring that pupils attend school regularly.  We take active steps to monitor and analyse attendance data workign with our families and the Educational Welfare Service to improve the attendance of specific pupils.

Our target for 2024/25

This year we have set a target of 96% attendance. We are encouraging the pupils to all secure the highest possible attendance rate through a range of incentives. These include:

  • Weekly attendance medal board for each class
  • School and House attendance figures published for parents in our newsletter
  • Attendance letters to parents
  • Attendance clinic with the Eduational Welfare Officer
  • Termly 100% attendance certificates

Holidays during term time

At Belmont, no holiday taken during term time will be authorised and may result in a fine issued by Bexley LEA.

Our attendance policy can be viewed by clicking here.

If you would like to find out more on why attendance is so important to us, please click here.

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